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Athens, Greece
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The Duo That Revolutionized Global Hiring

Hitting $10 million in revenue without a sales team or even a single sales call? Sounds like a fairy tale, right? But for Nikos Moraitakis and Spyros Magiatis, it was reality, thanks to the sheer quality of their creation, Workable.

In 2012 Nikos and Spyros birthed Workable, a tool designed to revolutionize hiring. The idea? Make sure your job reaches the right eyes. With a single click, your vacancy is broadcasted to over 200 job sites. But it doesn't stop there. Workable harnesses the power of AI to source candidates, taps into employee referrals, and ensures you're reaching not just active job seekers, but passive ones and those in your employees' networks too. Once you've got a pool of top talent, Workable streamlines the selection process, ensuring you snag the best of the bunch.

But the company’s journey doesn’t stop there: Workable is evolving into a holistic HR software platform, with features to enhance onboarding, manage employee profiles, organize company documents, and more. The cherry on top? A strong emphasis on user empowerment and productivity, all turbocharged with AI.

Nikos and Spyros, both alumni of Upstream, are the poster boys for what Endeavor Greece aims to champion: The Multiplier Effect. Their journey with Workable is a testament to the ripple effect of one founder’s innovation, ambition, and sheer determination inspiring many others.


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