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Bill Giannoukos

Year Selected

Cambridge, USA

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Bill Gianoukos is a serial entrepreneur and technology visionary who has made a name for himself in the tech industry through his innovative ideas. With over 15 years of experience in the tech ecosystem, Gianoukos has led the development of several successful startups and has advised many others, helping them grow and scale to new heights. Bill graduated from Tufts University with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering and spent the first years of his career across multiple roles, from consulting to engineering, which ultimately shaped him in the successful founder and entrepreneur he is today. In 2009 he co-founded his first startup, HeyWire which was acquired by Salesforce. He proceeded to found Trumpit shortly after his exit from HeyWire. In 2016, Trumpit was acquired by Wayfair, where Bill stayed on the team until 2018 as Senior Director of Product Management. It was not long until Giannoukos got the entrepreneur itch again. In 2018, he launched Goodpath, offering a new approach to health through simple, personalized care for common conditions with proven results. Bill maintains his position as CEO where he has taken the company national, working with some of the largest US employers, including Sun Life.

Bill has utilized his entrepreneurial spirit and long-time experience in the tech space to create a company that can offer meaningful help to those suffering with common health conditions through coach-supported, personalized care. The Goodpath platform supports users through digital means to help manage common and chronic conditions by focusing on symptoms and contributing factors, across mental health, digestive and musculoskeletal challenges.


Scale Up Program
GoodpathFounder at Goodpath

Year Founded


Year Selected




Team Size


Total Capital Raised


Healthcare & Life Sciences

Digital Health & Telehealth

Consumer Health & Wellness