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London, England
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Making mental health as objectively measurable as physical health.

Thymia is a London-based, online platform offering specially designed video games analyse speech patterns, facial expressions and behaviour to objectively measure mental health symptoms, starting with depression. The platform was developed as, globally, millions of people remain undiagnosed in suffering from depression. Even with the right diagnosis, it can take up to a decade for some to find the right treatment. Through her long time experience in academia and research at UCL, Emilia Molimpakis, the company's co-founder and CEO, observed that, although a multitude of tools have been developed over the past century to assess physical health, tools for assessing mental health were were mostly confined to asking questions. Thymia is brining the same evolution and objectivity of diagnostic tools to mental health, with the tracking of mental health biomarkers throught its platform.


The company is backed by the likes of FORM Ventures, Calm/Storm Ventures, Kodori AG and was selected for Endeavor’s ScaleUp program in 2022. Emilia Molimpakis has been featured as a speaker in internationally recognized events, including the SNF Nostos Conference on Mental Health, headlined by former US President Barack Obama, Sifted Summit 2023, and others.


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